George Lincoln Rockwell

George Lincoln Rockwell

Birth Name: George Lincoln Rockwell
Birth Date: 1918-03-09
Birth Place: Bloomington, Illinois, USA
Death Date: 1967-08-25 (Age 49)
Death Location: Arlington County, Virginia, USA
Death Cause: Assassination by gunshot
Focus: United States of America
Occupation: US Navy, Advertising, Politician, Author

George Lincoln Rockwell served with the United States Navy from 1941-1960. He served in the Battle of the Atlantic and the Pacific War in World War II. In March 1959 Rockwell Founded the Free Enterprise National Socialists (WUFENS), and in December of 1959 the party was renamed the American Nazi Party. In 1960 one year short of his retirement, the Navy deemed him "not deployable" due to his political views. Rockwell received an honorable discharge, but still felt he "had basically been thrown out of the Navy". Rockwell was shot August 25th, 1967 by John Patler while leaving a laundromat in Arlington, Virginia, near his home. John Patler had been expelled by Rockwell from his party in March 1967 after repeated attempts to subvert the groups publications with Marxist ideas. Patler was sentenced to 20 years but was released after 8 years and then served another 6 years after a parole violation.

Books and Writings

  • White Power
    • Published in 1966 White Power is an easy to read, distilled version of Rockwells political message.
  • This Time The World
    • Semi-autobiographical book detailing how Rockwell came to support National Socialism and the teachings of Adolph Hitler.